Tuesday, 15 September 2020



This is my video made on Screencastify, and it is a video saying what to do if something bad happens online. It is a really good tutorial. Lila, Niamh and I made it. It was fun to make and first we wrote a script.

Have you ever made a video using Screencastify?

Franny out...🐠


  1. Ka pai Franny (and your group). Your message is really clear and you've used great expression in your video. Who do you think would be a good audience for this video?

    1. Hi Phil,
      Thanks for your amazing comment!
      I think kids moving into Kauri team - where we use a lot of devices - could watch this video to be safe.
      Have you ever done a short play like this (a skit)?
      Franny out...🐠


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