Thursday 25 July 2019

Every day Heroes Part 2

Your legacy:

How will you be remembered?

  1. A person who is my hero is J.K Rowling
  2. This person is my hero because she is a single mother with a kid, writes my favourite books which are some of the most famous books in the world and gives half her money to charity.
  3. Two words that describe this person are inspirational and creative.
  4. One thing the person does that I admire is write the most amazing books.
  5. One way I can be more like my hero is by keep trying because J.K Rowling went to a lot of publishers before one agreed to publish her first book.
Are you a hero? Write a few sentences telling about something that you did that you think was heroic.
I checked on my sister at lunch time and morning tea when it was lock down drill because she might be scared.


  1. Hi Franny i'm Bruno from room 8 I really like your blog post about JK Rowling. Whats your favourite harry potter book? mine is The half blood prince and also what Hogwarts house are you in? i'm in Hufflepuff.
    if you would like to see my blog it is

    1. Hi Bruno,
      My favourite book is the chamber of secrets.
      I'm in Hufflepuff too!!
      Do you have a Pottermore account?
      Bye, Franny


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